Tuesday 11 September 2012

Ronald Searle- Illustrator

Another Illustrator i found was Ronald Searle. He works in a completley different way to Matthew Richardson. Instead of using colour and bold images collaged on top of each other he focuses on the look of sketching in black and white.

I like the detail he gets across in his images. My favourite image is of "The Cats" He has managed to  create emotion in the faces of the cats so it seems to tell a story. This helps me and the audience to create the story in my head or understand the meaning/idea the artist is trying to portray.

Matthew Richardson- Illustrator


This is an illustrator i found while researching illustration. I really like the way he uses colour as i think it makes the book or editorial design stand out. Shouldnt illustrations stand out? I think so, people do judge a book by its cover before they read it dont they whether they admit it or not. I prefer bright bold colours as they feel more positive and have more energy

Some of his editorial illustrations add images on top of each other, such as the bus with the hands and the face. I think this makes the image alot more interesting. Abstract images always grab my attention. The image must have been put together in that way for a reason as thats what illustration is all about. with the images he produces it makes me think rather than just glance at a boring picture.