Thursday 24 January 2013

Trace Elements project

For our Design Visulisation Course we were given the project based on Trace elements.Things, shapes, objects that have been left behind by humans,the weather etc. I looked around college and found lots of marks everywhere, it was surprising how many there were and what interesting shapes i found.

I then took these Shapes and textures I collected and started to work them into some sort of design prospect. I wanted to focus on some kind of installation or sculpture to coninside with my interior design future.

Here I looked at seporators in a gallery instead of a boring wall, installations of rivers, maybe fountains and different sculptures for bridges. These would work as fabulous architecture.

 We took some time to create our own shapes using light drawings, and not knowing what we were going to produce we came out with some really interesting shapes that we could use.

I made collages with vector drawings, and one of my found shapes to come up with ideas for whay these shapes could be used for. I really enjoyed creating these collages as I'd never done them before and they created an interesting visual that could produce even more ideas.

Ive now Finished this project after doing lots more designs to do with an interior sturcture or sculpture that could go inside some sort of builiding including lights , tables chairs, elevators, entrance ways and doorways.

My final idea was a staircase that was created out of my trace elements shapes twisted round. I decided a good place for it to be placed would be inside a cave, letting you get to different areas of the cave to look up close to it, if someone was to renovate a cave.

My final project which I'm sure I'll blog about soon will now be on the idea of renovating a cave and creating a stucture within a structure. This Trace elements project has inspired me and will continue to inspire me through the Final major project as I wish my trace element shapes will help me come up with a design.

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