Wednesday 5 June 2013

Always look at the Details

Now after creating my platform design with all the right angles and shapes to it , i needed to look closer into my design and look at details including the railings, the mechanisms attaching the ropes, the information boards and the seating. This would add marks for my design as i have delved further into creating more information and design, this is what I came up with.


Building requirements for any buildings require railings to be 900cm height for safety purposes. This is the Height I have used for my Railings on every platform and ramp on my structure.
My railings are made out of panelled glass so there is no danger of falling through anything.
The glass is thick enough for people to hold onto the railings as they move around the ramps or on the edges of the platforms. People need to be able to grab hold of something comfortably so I have made sure this is available. No formal railings have been put on the Glass panels.


I created a sheet with all different type of mechanisms from a book i used for research and came across this mechanism, with circles to help attach something to something else, I thought this would work well in my rope to platform attachment, However I wanted to create something that was a little bit more geometric and not so circular. i decided to make the bolts square with angles which definitely fitted into the role of geometric design as you can see from my rendered picture above. 

the cable on the other hand is a steel cable as this provides the strongest force to hold the platforms up safely, but I have wrapped around the ropes made in the cave in the olden days around them so it looks like its just the rope holding the platforms up. This relates to my original idea of floating platforms being held up by ropes. 

information Boards

I wanted the information boards to be big so people will automatically be drawn to them to learn about the caves history and the sculptures on the exhibition stands. I needed to make sure for peoples health and safety precautions that the information displayed would be at a specific height so that people will be able to read it easily without hurting their neck or back. My silhouette diagram shows this with the right heights. 
Also my idea for the information boards was to be touchscreen so that people could interact with the screens and learn easier without them knowing. The use of apps on phones will connect with the younger generation as well showing information and headphones for audio descriptions as well , giving lots of options for viewers tastes. 
The last point i made was I wanted to make the information boards out of limestone as the cave itself is a limestone cave, this then relates the cave to the structure and design. This colour of the stone will also work well with the colour of the lights being a green and brown taken from the cave walls. 


As in other art galleries and exhibitions there are always seats dotted around the place for people to sit down on, either for a rest (the older generation might think this is essential) and for the fact people want to sit down and admire the sculptures for longer than a passing glance.
So i wanted to create some seating that would relate to the designs i have created and relate again to the cave itself. i looked into some seating research and came up with this idea above.
This combines curves and straight lines and angles which is exactly the same as the structure and the ramps. with no back to the seating it allows people to sit on either side of the seats looking at different sculptures.
The colours of the seats also reflect the colours found in the cave, blacks , grey, greens and browns.

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